republic day preparation at my school

happy republic day………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!

brain areas

astronomy and teacher

“If a teacher can get a student to day dream about the material being taught they are a successful teacher”.

Why teach Astronomy?
Astronomy can be one of the most exciting units you teach. Few subjects offer you so much versatility covering many areas such as History, Physics, Geology, Geography, Art, and much more. Most importantly the children enjoy learning about Astronomy. It is fun for children, because it stretches their imaginations forcing them to contemplate the stars, nebula and planets. encourages teachers to take time in preparing lesson plans that will inspire children to want to learn more.

  • Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.
  • There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
  • What we think we become.

Your body is made up of four main types of bones. Long bones such as the bones in your arms and legs, short bones such as the bones in your hands, feet and spine, flat bones which protect your organs and provide a place for muscles to attach, and irregular bones, which are simply all the bones that are not long, short or flat.

Spring Hare About Spring Hare The Spring Hare lives in Africa. It usually moves on all fours, but when threatened it can hop more than 12 feet (4m). This helps it escape predators like lions and other large animals. During the day, the Spring Hare will spend its time in its large burrow and come out at night. They eat roots and plants.

ધોરણ બીજા માં ગુજરાતી વિષય ના પાઠ આપણા પાક સંદર્ભ માં કરેલી પ્રવૃત્તિ ના ફોટોગ્રાફ્સ

ગુણોત્સવ આવી રહ્યો છે મારા શિક્ષક મિત્રો

દર વર્ષે સરકાર દ્વારા ગુણોત્સવ આવે છે. અને આ વખતે પણ આવી રહ્યો છે. તારીખ છે ૨૪-૨૫-૨૬/૧૧/૨૦૧૧. આજ સમય છે મારા મિત્રો કે આપને આપણી સરસ કામગીરી બતાવીએ જે આપને કરીએ જ છીએ. આ અવસર છે કે આપણી ખૂબીઓ કે ખામીઓ આપણી સામે આવે …..શુભ કામનાઓં

crc meeting activity as a c.r.g

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